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Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Question 3

Of late, there have been reports of students who have been disrespectful to their teachers in the Klang Valley. As a writer for a magazine on social problems, write a short article on this issue. Your article should integrate all theinformation given below. Your should write 150 words to 200 words.


  1. Disrespectful of students to their teachers

    There is a trend of violence toward teachers that is rapidly getting out of control in schools around the globe. Teachers are becoming fearful of a job they once loved. As a general rule, teachers are always supposed to be professional, which implies being respectful. According to the reports of schools in Klang Valley, the number of students who disrespected to their teachers has been evaluated in 2007. The cases are consisting of physical violence, threats on safety, frank calls and scratching of cars against teachers. Scratching of teachers cars are the highest total of cases which is 46, meanwhile, the lowest is physical violence which is 30 number of cases. In other hand, according to the case of physical violence against the teachers base on school, B, G, I school are the highest number of case (17 percent), meanwhile, school A reach the highest on threats safety’s (23 percent), school E is on scratching cars (20 percent). In the case of frank calls, the highest numeral goes to school G which in (23 percent). The misbehaviour of students can’t be treating effectively unless we know the reasons for it. The vast majority of misbehaviour arises from three causes: lack of attention, lack of parental supervision and peer pressure. To deal with this, teachers should just pay attention to the student's good behaviour and ignore them when they are misbehaving. Prevention is a way to deal with misbehaviour before it occurs. This can be done by keeping students busy and interested, as well as avoiding frustration due to too hard of lessons.

    Rina iryani bt mohd hatta
    (268 words)
    Date : 4th August 2010

  2. Cases of Student Misbehaviour in Klang Valley Year 2007

    The table shows number of the case and student misbehaviour according to the school in 2007. There have been reports of students who have been disrespectful to their teachers in the Klang Valley.
    The highest case is scratching of teacher’s cars about 46 cases and the second highest is the case that students threats on teachers safety, 40 cases. This followed by 39 cases that teachers got the prank call. The lowest number of cases is student that involved in physical violent on teachers with 30 cases. The number is 16 cases lesser than the highest.
    9 cases from School E give the highest numbers in scratching of teacher’s cars. The lowest is 2 cases that involved by student from School C. this shows different about 7 cases. Many reason that affect the student misbehaviour in the school. They usually have been disrespectful to their teachers because of lack attention. They want to attract their teacher’s attention. So, they tend to create the discipline problems. Then, teachers take an action and give them punishment. They felt angry with their teachers and that’s why they done this cases.
    The lowest number of cases is physical violent on teachers. School B, G and I are showed the highest involvement of their student in this case with 5 cases. The lowest is School A, 1 case. Students tend to create this problem because they lack of parental supervision and needs a love from family. Parents usually busy with their jobs and did not spend their time to share about child’s problems. Other than that, this is because of peer pressure. Peers are the one factor that influences either to be a good or bad student in future.
    As a conclusion, teachers are important person in our life. So, we have to respect them as we respect our family.

    (301 words)

    J 08 DN 0013

  3. Misbehaviour problem among the students in the Klang Valley

    The table given portrays the number of students who have been disrespectful to their teachers in the Klang Valley. There are 9 schools involved and there are 4 major problems that are happening. First problem is physical violence on teachers which school B, G and I rated the highest compared to others. School A is the lowest rank to this problem that is only one case. The total case for physical violence on teachers is 30 cases. Next problem is threats on teacher’s safety that total number of cases is 40 students, which school A rated the highest number of cases that is 9. Despite of school I rated the highest at physical violence, it clearly shown a lowest number of cases for threats on teacher’s safety. Where else school E have the most number of cases for scratching of teacher’s car that is 9 cases and school C have the lowest number that is 2. Total number of cases for scratching of teacher’s cars is 46 that also are the highest number among the four problems. For prank calls problem, both school A and F rated the lowest problem that is 1 and school G have the highest number for this cases that is 9.
    These four problems may due to misbehaviour of student. For specifically narrowed down, it is due to lack of attention from the teachers or parents. Besides, lack of parental supervision also included. Peer pressure also contributes to the problem affected to the teachers. This can be curb if the teachers, parents and the students take it seriously.
    (263 words)
    Prepared by: Siti Fatimah binti Ibrahim
    Matrix no: J08DN0069
    Date: 4/8/2010

  4. Social Problem Among Students In Various School
    From the table given, it state that numbers of student that have been disrespectful to their teacher in the Kelang Valley. The cases that almost been done by the student in this 9 school is physical violence on teachers, threats on teachers safety, scratching teachers cars and also prank calls.
    The most cases that has highest numbers done by the students is scratching teachers cars, which is 46 cases. According to all of the 9 school, the E school has the highest numbers of this cases compare with other school with the percentage of 19.6%. The lowest cases is state in the C school which the percentage of 4.35%. The second social problems that have been done by the student to the teacher are threats on teacher safety which is 40 cases. The A school has state the highest cases which is 9 cases with the percentage of 22.5%. Besides that the school that state the lowest cases is I school which is about 1 case with the percentage of 2.5% only. Another 2 social problems that have been done by student is physical violence on teachers and also prank calls with the total of cases are about 30 cases and 39 cases.
    The reason why the students have been disrespectful to their teacher is due to lack of attention. As a student, they may need the support or attention from the family or teacher itself. Besides the teachers, the most people that have to give full attention is parents. They should know how their children behaviour so that none of social problems may occurs or can be control. The parents also should know with who their children become friends because some of the social problems is begin by this unmoral behaviour of the student.
    The conclusion is all of this social problem may not occur if all of us can find the best solution to avoid it. The student should realize that they have to respect their teacher because teacher is someone that important to make us become a better person.
    (349 words)
    (idamaryany bt zafri)

  5. Social Problem

    The table show the number of cases disrespectful to the teacher in year 2007.The physical violence on the teacher state that the highest number is 5cases which is in school B, G and I. The lowest number show the school A is only one case. The threat on teachers’ safety show the highest number of cases is in school A with 9 cases, while the school of I is only 1case. The other type of disrespectful is scratching of teachers’ cars is show the highest cases is 9 in school E, while the lowest is 2 cases in school C. The prank calls case was reported the lowest in Schools A and F. The highest total reported is scratching of teachers cars which total 46 while the lowest case is physical violence on teachers state is 30 cases. The most common reasons for disrespectful to the teacher is the students are lack of parental supervision because the parent is more concentrate to their work. Others cause is peer pressure, the student is force by the friends to do something without willing. Conclusion, the parents should care on the behaviour of the children in order to reduce the case of disrespectful to the teacher.
    (206 words)
    Prepared:Nur Aminlin Zunurane
    Matrix: J08DN0040

  6. Social problems among students in varies school
    From the table given, there are shows the number of case in 2007 occurs in school on social problems. The data had collect from nine different schools and the four major cases occur in the school area. The students have no pay any respective value to the teachers who always educate them, giving the knowledge and advice.
    There are four major cases that become a terrible problem towards the teacher in nine different schools. First of all, the students tend to use the physical violence on teachers which has five cases in both of schools G and school I compared to the school A which only contribute1 cases. The next social problem is threat on teacher’s safety. The data shows that school A contribute most cases which is 22.5% and the least is school I which is 2.5%. other than that, scratching teacher’s cars also is common problem in the school. The school E had the highest record of nine compared to less cases in the school C which is two cases. Besides that, the teacher also will receive some prank call from someone who will create some discomfort sound to trick the teachers just for fun. There is about nine cases in school G which is totally different from the school A and F that contribute one cases.
    Overall, the scratching of teacher’s car is the highest rate among student showing disrespectful to the teacher which is 46 cases that total from nine schools with 16 cases lesser from the problem of physical violence on teacher. the causes may be due to the student hope the parents and teacher to pay more attention for them in term of caring and loving. The lack of parental supervision also can be a problem because they have a lot of freedom and free time to do those things just for fun. Form another view, the peer pressure is the factor to caused them to do the immoral things to show that they are unique than others.
    In conclusion, the parents and teachers should monitor the behavioural changes of the children to prevent the unhappy things happen. The peer group also have the responsibility to stop the friends from being do something that shows disrespectful to the teachers.
    (382 words)
    By: STN Teo Wan Chee

  7. 3) 4th August 2010 ( Wednesday )

    Of late,there have been reports of students who have been disrespectful to their teachers in the Klang Valley.As a writer for a magazine on social problems,write a short article on this issues.Your article should integrate all the information given below.You should write 150 to 200 words.

    Disrespectful students to their teachers in the Klang Valley.

    The table indicates that the number of case disrespectful students to their teachers in the Klang Valley in 2007.There have 9 school at the Klang Valley that have includes in this case which is school A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H and I. The social problems that have in this school is Physical violence on teachers,threat on teacher safety,scratching of teachers cars and the last is prank calls.The highest number of case in 2007 is scratching of teachers cars which is 46 case. The second highest is threats on teachers safety which have 40 case.Other than that,the lowest number of case in 2007 is physical violence on teachers which is 30 case.
    From the table show that in physical violence on teachers, 3 school have the same number of cases. School B,G and I have the highest cases which is 5.Anh the lowest cases is school A which is have only 1 cases. Then, we see the cases of threats on teachers safety, school A remark the highest cases which is 9 cases. And school I have the lowest number of cases which is 1.Then, the social problems which is the scratching of teachers cars, school E have the highest problem which is 9 cases.Lastly,the prank calls, the highest cases is 9 which is school G and the lowest that have only 1 cases which is school A and F.
    Too many student who have been disrespectful to their teachers in the Klang Valley.Why did all this social problems can occur?What the actual problem? The first reason which is students lack of attention from their parents. In simply word,the parent are too busy in their work, they busy to find a money while their children have lack of love. From this reasons also, the students have this social problems.This reason for misbehaviour also related with lack of parental supervision.Students still young and lack of experience.Because of that parental supervision is the most significant things that student need.
    How to solve this problem.Parents must take their responsible with always be with their children.Always pay attention with their children.It can make student feel that the parents always with them.

    ( 361 words )

    Name : Norhalina binti Rafie

    Matrix number : J08DN0036

  8. Student Disrespectful To Their Teachers In The Klang Valley In 2007

    The schedule show number of case of students who have been disrespectful to their teachers in the Klang Valley for year 2007. The higher case is in scratching of teacher’s cars which is about 46 cases. This is because student put revenge to the teacher as result of they are being punish. They are not satisfied with the teacher action. In addition, peer pressure is also one of the reasons of this misbehaviour.

    The lowest case is physical violence on teachers which is about 30 cases. This is because students try to put revenge as result of being punish but they don’t want other know about it. Besides that, lack of attention from parent and teacher make the student to solve their problem by itself.

    Other case is threats on teachers’ safety which is about 40 cases and prank calls about 39 cases. Furthermore, other reason of this misbehaviour is lack of parental supervision. Parent busy with their work and let their child stay at home with maid.

    As conclusion, there are many reason of student misbehaviour to their teacher in Klang Valley. We as part of the community need to take our part to solve this problem.

    Word : 220
    Name : Siti Khadijah Aziz
    Matrix No. : J08DN0070

  9. Question 3
    Misbehaviour among student in Klang Valley
    In Klang Valley there have quite number of students who have been disrespectful to their teacher. There have about nine of school student who had same cases. There are school A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, and I. The cases that the students do are physical violence on teachers, threats on teachers’ safety, scratching of teachers’ car and prank calls.
    Scratching of teachers cars contributes 46 total of number of cases in 2007, where else physical violence on teachers contributes on 30 total of number case in 2007. The school that have higher number of cases in scratching of teachers cars is a school E. Where school C have a lowest number of cases in scratching of teachers school. The highest cases in physical violence on teacher in school B, G and I which have same number cases each of school are 5 cases. The lowest cases in School A their only contribute 1 case.
    Most of the students like to scratch of teachers’ car because they have lack of attention. Even in school or at home. Besides that, they lack of parental supervision at home. The parents too busy with their work and just ignore about their son. In additional, the student has a peer pressure with each others. They tried to challenging them self.
    To reduce all this misbehaviour, the school should take precautions. They must have a straight discipline and do punish to make them realise and make a change.

    Wan Najiha Bt Wan Abd Hamid

  10. LAN 1001 : English Language Writing
    Assignment : Article regarding student
    misbehavior cases to their
    teachers in the Klang Valley.

    Student misbehavior cases in the Klang Valley.

    Student misbehavior is one of the most troubling phenomena in education today. Report shows there are four major misbehavior cases in nine schools, which are school A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, and school I in the year 2007, including physical violence on teachers, threats on teacher safety, scratching of teachers cars, and prank call. Discipline problems, morality issues and ‘gangsterism’ cases are increase and it is proven the students had shows disrespectful to their teachers in the Klang Valley. The top misbehavior problem that often occurs in the school is the scratching of teachers cars with 46 cases recorded. School E contributed the highest with 9 cases. While the lowest case recorded is the prank call case with the total number of 30 cases. School A only contributed 1 case.

    It is often difficult to understand why a student behaves irresponsibly, especially when the consequences of that behavior seem highly unpleasant. However, whenever a student or group of students exhibits irresponsible behavior on an ongoing basis, the behavior is occurring for a reason. It is not completely random. Therefore, the first thing we need to do is determine the reason for the misbehavior. Among the likely possibilities are the student doesn’t know exactly what you expect. Due to lack of attention, the student doesn’t know how to exhibit the responsible behavior. The student is unaware that he or she is engaged in the misbehavior. The student is experiencing some pleasant outcome from exhibiting the misbehavior, for instance she likes the attention she gets from adults or peers. Lack of parental supervision, the student is successfully avoiding some unpleasant outcome by exhibiting the misbehavior, for example he is getting out of assigned work.

    We are observing more and more serious misbehavior on the part of young adults in our society. There is blatant disrespect being shown toward the teachers by some who apparently do not have any controls placed upon them at home. Educators are able and eager to work in this environment to solve the serious behavior problems caused by the students because the community of parents and students are willing to help.

    (380 words)
    Prepared by: Roselyn Reeta anak Nopin
    KPJ IC JB Branch

  11. Question 3 (Article)
    Social Problems among Students at School
    Disrespectful among students are commonly occur nowadays especially to their teachers Based on report in Klang Valley there are type of cases such as physical violence on teachers, threats on teachers safety, scratching on teachers car, and prank calls at school.
    According to reports, there are155 total number of cases reported in 2007 at nine schools. Among cases scratching on teachers car are highest with total cases 46 at B, G, and I school. However, the lowest total number of cases is physical violence on teachers with 30 cases at E school .All this misbehaviour caused after the student lack of attention by teachers because this students are naughty at the class. Besides, students lacks of parental supervision at home whereby due to their parents busiest at work.
    As a conclusion, social problem among students should be strictly concerned by teachers whereby tackle students needs with proper way without ignore or put aside from good students.

    (162 word)
    Done by: WANNUR BT. HAMDI
    Matrix No: J08DN0083

  12. Student’s misbehavior against teachers
    The table shows number of students who have been disrespectful to their teachers in the Klang Valley. The data is collected based on the review to the nine schools at that region. The cases highlighted are physical violence on teachers, threats on teachers’ safety, scratching on teachers’ cars and prank calls.
    School with highest number of highlighted cases is school G with 24 cases while the lowest one, out of the nine schools is school D, with 11 cases. There are 11 cases difference with the two schools. School G is the top one for the misbehavior issue is probably due to lack of attention from the peoples around them. They all angry and fed up when they are been neglected, like their existence in this world is for nothing. Their innocent mind thinks that by doing this, their existence will be known, especially by parents and teachers. School D is the lowest one as there are only certain students are misbehaved. They are not creating problems as much as students in school G because they are not holding a grudge to their teachers.
    Among the four cases, the highest case reported is scratching teachers’ cars with the total of 46 cases, with the percentage of 29.7 %. The lowest case reported is physical violence on teachers with difference of 10.3 % from the highest one, which is19.4 %. The reason why scratching of teachers’ cars hold the high number is because students are more satisfied injured their teachers’ property rather than hurt the teachers itself. They will smile happily if they succeed put the teachers into difficult situation. Other than that, the possibility to be caught is less. They are free from punishment as the teachers are unable to know who the culprit is. Physical violence on teachers is more likely not popular nowadays because perhaps, students are afraid to the punishment that they going to get later.
    Disrespectful manner to the teachers is an issue that cannot be taken lightly. Teacher is the one who give knowledge and misbehave towards them is not encourage able. This group of students doing all this kind of misbehaviour are probably lack of parental supervision at home. Some of them come from a wealth family whose their parents are busy with their work. They abandoned their children without knowing that their children need their attention, love and care. Parents do not care what their children activities at school are. That is why, students able to do anything without thinking the consequences.
    Peer pressure is one of the causes that contribute to this matter. They are forced to do something they do not want to. If not, this pity fellow will be stigmatised from the group and worse, being bullied by them. Perhaps, he is the weak one and naughty students take a really good advantage on him. They use him wisely so that they are not going to be caught by the teachers. That is why, number of disrespectful students is increasing day by day.
    To sum up, students are encourage to respect their teacher and have a disrespectful manner towards them is really not professional. Perhaps, number of cases will be reduced throughout the years and a lot of good students will be born to society.

    535 words
    Haniza Yayan Ahyarudin

  13. The table given shows number of case reported about student who had been disrespectful to their teachers among nine schools in Klang Valley on 2007.
    There are four common cases which is physical violence on teachers, threats on teachers’ safety, scratching on teachers’ cars and prank call. The highest case reported was scratching on teachers’ cars with 46 cases. Scratching teachers’ cars is the simplest way to express their feeling of unsatisfied to the teachers because teachers are always using their cars to go to the school and the students usually got their coins inside the pockets. The lowest case is 30 cases in physical violence on teacher because maybe they also afraid to do direct disrespectful manners. For physical violence against the teachers, school B, G, and I are counted as the highest recorded case with 17 percent.
    This bad behavior may be due to lack of attention from the parents. Friends also taking part in influencing these student and the student himself also have to set their target to not become harsh and not want using the proper manner in life. As conclusion, everybody play our own part to ensure that our new generation be a good generation.

    (200 words)
    Hilyati Jamalina Binti Ismail

  14. The table shows about students who have been disrespectful to their teachers in the Klang Valley according to the number of case in 2007.
    In Physical Violence on Teachers, school B, G, and I has achieved the highest number of cases which is 5 cases equivalence to 16.67% whereas school A achieved the lowest number of cases that is 1 case equivalence to 3.33%. In Threats on Teachers’ Safety, school A contributes the highest number of cases that is 9 cases equivalence to 22.5% while the lowest number of cases is school I which is 1 case equivalence to 3.33%. For Scratching of Teachers’ Cars, school E achieved the highest number of cases 9 cases equivalence to 22.5% and the lowest number of cases is school C 2 cases equivalence to 6.67%. In the Prank Calls, school G achieved the highest number of cases 9 cases equivalence to 22.5% whereas the lowest number of cases is school A and F 1 case equivalence to 3.33% . The total difference between Scratching of Teachers’ Cars which contributes about 46 cases and Physical Violence on Teachers which contributes about 30 cases is 16 cases lesser which is equivalence to 16.67%.
    One of the reasons for students misbehaviour is because lack of parental supervision. Parents busy with their work in chasing money and luxurious until they failed to guide their children. Other than that, peer pressure especially from friends causes students to misbehave as they think to be hero of school so that other students afraid to them. Next is lack of attention from teachers in class makes the students fed-up on them.
    In the conclusion, everyone should take a drastic steps especially teachers and parents as to prevent students from misbehaviour.

    289 words

  15. Social Problem

    The table shows the number of cases of student who have been disrespectful to their teachers in Klang Valley.
    The highest number of cases of physical Violence on teachers is in B, G, I with 5 cases. The lowest percentage is in school A with 1percent.Followed by school C and E with 2 percent. Others school is followed by D, F school with 3percent.The highest number cases of treats on teacher’s safety is in school A with 9percent.The lowest in this cases is in school I with 1percent.The second highest is in school C with 7percent.The highest number of scratching teachers cars is in school E with 9percent.The lowest is in school C with 2percent.The highest number of cases on prank call is in school with 9percent,while the lowest is in school F with 1percent.The total of cases in klang valley is155cases.
    The reason of the student misbehaviour is their are lacking of attentions from their teacher and also family. Therefore , the child intent to acts violently. At home, parents are busy with their work and hardly have time to spent time with their child, making their child to fell being leaved .Then; this comes the issue of lack parental supervision. Parent not even noticed whether their child really go to school. Other than that, this is also cause by peer pressure. When the child feel being ignored and feel lonely, they mostly confide to their peer. And peers as the role model. Child are influenced by the peers.
    As a sum up, Parents should spent time with their child because it is important to give enough attention to their child.
    271 WORDS
    MATRIX: J08DN0041

  16. Of late, there have been reports of students who have been disrespectful to their teachers in the Klang Valley. As a writer for a magazine on social problems, write a short article on this issue. Your article should integrate all the information given below. You should write 150 to 200 words.
    Students Disrespectful To Their Teachers In The Klang Valley
    The table given indicates the number of students who have been disrespectful to their teachers in the Klang Valley in 2007. There are four serious cases has been reported which are physical violence on teachers, threats on teachers safety, scratching teachers cars and prank calls involved in nine schools. The highest number of cases is scratching of teachers cars with total number of 46. The lowest number is physical violence on teachers with total number of 30. Among these nine school, school E got the highest number of cases involved in scratching teachers cars with 9 cases and the lowest is in school C with only 2 cases. The reason why school E got the highest number of case may because of they got more students than other school nearby. In addition, compared to other schools, school G got the highest number of cases reported on these 4 cases with 24 cases and school F got the lowest number of cases with only 14 cases. There are some reasons why the students involved in social problems such as lack of attention from their parents, families and teachers. Furthermore, at house students may have lack of parental supervision and they also may influenced by their friends. As conclusion, the social problems among students can be controlled if the students themselves change their attitude and be more respect toward the teachers in school. They also may set their aim to be responsible at school and study harder to get flying colours result in their examinations.

    (253 words)
    Name : Nur Izzety Syazana bt Mawardi
    Matrix number : J08DN0047

  17. QUESTION 3
    Amount Student Involve Social Problem at School.

    Social problem commonly occur in school student especially disrespectful of student to their teacher. Base on the report in Klang Valley have a 4 cases such as physical violence on teachers, threats on teacher’s safety, scratching of teacher cars and frank calls.
    According base on the analysis, the total number of the cases is 155 for 2007. The total highest of case is scratching of teacher cars is 46. This is including for the school E is 9 and G is 7 and for the lower of highest case is 2 cases. This is for school C. For the lower case are 30 in as physical violence. Nowadays, this problem still happed in school because the most of student’s lack of attentions during the class. Those of student also have lack of parental supervision and have a pressure. This problem also because lack of knowledge.
    As a conclusion, for this issue all of school needs to take part and action to prevent student from disrespectful of teacher. Teacher and the parent should monitor and observe their behavioral changes.

    180 WORDS

  18. ESSAY 3.


    The table shows number of student disrespectful to their teachers in the Klang Valley in 2007. That involves nine schools which are A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, and I. That has four cases in this year. That are physical violence on teachers, threats on teacher’s safety, scratching of teachers cars and prank calls.

    The highest cases are scratching of teacher’s cars. Those are 46 students. Then, the second highest is threats on teacher’s safety, that are 40 students and the lowest cases is prank calls. Those are 39 students.

    Based on the physical violence on teachers, that shows the highest cases are 5 students. Those are from school B, G, and I. The second highest is from school H, that are 4 students and the lowest is from school A, that only 1 students. Another case is threats on teacher’s safety. The highest cases are from school A that are 9 students. The second highest are 7 students that it’s from school C and the lowest is school I that only 1 student.

    School E shows the highest cases in scratching of teachers cars. Those are 9 of students. The second highest is school G, that are 7 students and the lowest is school C are 2 students only. For the case of prank calls, that shows school G is the highest cases that are 9 students. The second highest is school I that are 7 students and the lowest is school A and F that only 1 students.

    That are many reasons why this students disrespectful their teachers. One of that is they lack of attention from their parents. Another reason is this student is lack of parental supervision. That why they do like this. They also are group of peer pressure. That’s mean their teachers give them pressure on study and they become tension and angry. That’s why they disrespectful their teachers.

    The conclusion is the parents must take their responsibilities to care their children and teach them how to respect another people since them child.

    (345 WORDS)


  19. Disrespecful students to teachers ,Klang Valley , 2007.

    The table show that students have been disrespectful their teachers in klang valley by year 2007.This is because of lack of attention from teachers, lack of parental supervision at home and pressure from peer and they also easily to get influence from other members. Sometimes these people in child time being expose to be disrespectful attitude from other family member such as follow the behaviour of brother and sister.
    The highest rate, which is 46 cases belong to scratching of teachers cars. This is because of maybe teachers always bring car to school every day for them easy to move anywhere. Most of them after school pick up their children at nursery. So this is easier to them. Then, the lowest is by physical violence on teachers which is 30 cases. This is because maybe their teachers are from new grades and some of them are temporary teachers. So the students easily want to bully them because of new environment for the teachers.
    For the following, there is second highest which is 40 cases, threats on teachers safety. The highest case is school A that lead to 9 cases. Then, follow by prank calls which is 39 cases. This lead to school G maybe because of at that school have student who are involve with bad people and some of them are gangster. Overall, the total is 155 cases had been reported all over the year of 2007.
    In conclusion, students now are braver to being disrespectful to teachers. This is because student now are so pamper with their parents. And now parents are more trust their child than others.so in future maybe ours teachers have a big problem in handling students.

    292 Words

  20. QUESTION 3.

    Misbehaviour of Students In 2007

    Nowadays, there is a lot of misbehaviour of the students to their teachers reported on the year 2007. Based on the cases reported on that year, the total misbehaviour cases done were 155 cases. On physical violence on teachers, the highest amount is 17 % which is 5 cases in school B, G, and I. The lowest amount is at A school which is 3% or 1 cases. Other cases which have been reported is threats on teacher’s safety with the highest amount is 23 % or 9 cases in school A. On the other part, lowest amount is at the school I which is 2.5 % or 1 case reported. Other case is, scratching of teachers cars. The highest is 20 % or 9 cases in school E and the lowest is 4 % or 2 cases in school C. Prank calls is high in the school G with amount 23 % or 9 cases while the lowest amount is in the school A and F which are 3 % or 1 cases. The reasons for the misbehaviour are: lack of attention, lack of parental supervision and peer pressure. The school’s discipline in all school should be more strict and firm to overcome this problem.

    Noramira binti Saharuddin
    218 Words

  21. ASSIGNMENT 3 :
    Disrespectful of students to their teachers in the Klang Valley in 2007

    There are raising in the numbers of cases of students that are being disrespectful to their teachers in the Klang Valley. There are several types of immoral activities that had done by the students to their teachers which are physic violence on the teachers, threats on teachers safety, scratching of teachers cars and make prank calls. The schools that are involve are school A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, and I. Among all of these schools, school B, G, I show the highest cases of physical violence on the teachers which are 5 cases that are equal to 16.7%. the lowest in the same case goes to school A which is 1 case that equal to 3.33%. among 4 types of immoral activities, students look like prefer to do scratching of teachers’ cars that are evidence by 46 cases while the lowest are 30 cases which is physical violence on teachers. There are 4 cases that differentiate between the lowest and highest of immoral activities. The increasing cases of misbehaviour among the students may be related to peer pressure, lack of parental supervision and lack of attention from people surrounding them. So, they do that such thing to attract people attention.
    (225 WORDS)
    J08 DN 0058

  22. Juveniles case from student at Klang Valley
    At a moment, we always heard about student’s mistake in any place and country. They were not afraid anymore with their teachers. Even though teacher who is a person teaches they and they must respect but they not care about it. In the Klang Valley, there are nine schools that had a juvenile problem in 2007. The highest school that does a case is school G as much as 24 cases which are 15%. The lowest cases are school D which is only 13 cases which is 8%. There are four types of cases which is physical violence on teachers, threats on teachers’ safety, scratching of teacher’s cars and prank calls. Reasons of the student being that behavior are because they lack of attention. They want their family and people around them to give more attention and understand what their feeling actually. Other than that they also lack of parental supervision. It is because in this era parents are busy with work. Their parents were give full faith and believe to their own child. They children also can act like a good child in front of their parents. Another reason is peer pressure from the many aspect such as the study and also friends. Usually their friends can influence student to do a mistake. It is because sometimes they like to bet each other. If they refuse to do it their will be a shamed. As a conclusion, student must guided by their parents and also teachers. Then give a enough counseling to them.
    261 words
    Nabilah binti Abu Samah

  23. Social problems among the school students

    There a lots number of cases have been reported among the school students’ especially social problems in the Kelang Valley. The numbers of case in 2007 for social problems among the young generations include nine schools all together at the Kelang. Not only had showed their disrespectful to their teachers in the school include scratching of their teachers’ car which is having reported 46 cases. It shows that nowadays, the students have lost their respectful for the teachers who are the one that they should appreciate most. The lowest number of cases been reported is on physical violence toward teachers which is 30 cases only. Meanwhile, if we conclude into the number of cases into school categories there are three schools (school B, school G,school ) have been reported under physical violence on teachers is 5 cases. Under treating the teachers’ safety only 1 school that is school C which is 7 cases.9 cases reported under scratching of car which is school E and 9 cases under prank call involve school G.
    Many among the students having lack of attention during the class. This is due to quite number of students every class that the teachers need to focus on. Other than that, lack of supervision also contributes this matter. Lastly, pressure from their own peer sometimes causes them to felt so depressed and need to stress out.
    To sum up, the cooperation many sides are needed in order to accomplish this scenario from become more worsen especially among our teenagers. We should plan for immediate action to save them from this illness before getting worse.

    (272 WORDS)

  24. Disrespectful to the teacher in Klang Valley
    The table given shows the number of cases of disrespectful to the teacher in Klang Valley in 2007. There are 9 schools involved and there are 4 major problems that are happening. The first major problem is physical violence on teacher. School B, G and I are the highest number of cases in 2007 which is carried 5 cases in 2007. The lowest number of cases is school A which is 1 case. The total of number of cases in 9 schools for physical violence on teacher is 20 cases. Treats on teacher safety also one of the major problem at Klang Valley school in 2007. The highest number of cases is school A carried 9 cases. For the lowest number of cases is school I which is carried 1 cases. The total number of cases in 2007 for treats on teacher safety is 40 cases. Scratching of teacher cars also one of the major problem in 2007. School E was a highest number of cases which is 9 cases in that year. For the lowest are school C and the number of cases is 2 cases. 46 cases are total number of cases who scratching of teacher cars and this number is the highest for the entire major problem at Klang Valley on 2007. Lastly, 9 cases for the frank calls is school G who the highest number of cases in 2007 and the lowest number of cases are school F which is 1 cases in 2007. 39 cases are record in 2007 for the total number of frank calls. The reasons of misbehaviour are lack of attention, lack of parental and peer pressure. As the conclusion, many teams need to play their role to avoid from this problem become worse. Parents are the important person to teach their children to behave and to be a good person.

    (317 words)

  25. Reports of students who have been disrespectful to their teachers in the Klang Valley

    The table show reports of students who have been disrespectful to their teachers in the Klang Valley for year 2007 . The type of disrespectful to teachers is physical violence on teachers which total 30 case,threats on teachers safety is more than 10 case from physical violence, scratching of teachers cars is 46 case and make a prank calls to teachers is less seven case from scratching of teachers cars.
    For the higher case in physical violence on teachers is school B,G and I which record same five cases and the lowest is school A is less four than school B,G and I. Threats on teachers safety highest in school A which state the nine case and the lowest is school I is 1 case only. The third type disrespectful to teachers is scratching of cars in the highest school is school E and follow the lowest school is school C with record two case. Other than that, students so brave to make prank calls to their teachers which highest number is nine case in school G, and the lowest number of case in school A and F which different eight case from the highest. From there we can see the highest record disrespectful to teachers is school G with total 24 cases and the lowest is school D is 13 cases.
    Reason for student misbehavior is because lack of attention from their parent with busy working and forgot to teach their son how to behave. Each son must have attention for their growth, if they has problem , they can ask to their parents, but parents always busy and then make they feel stress. If their child made mistake, parents should be advise their son do not repeat again. Sometimes students feel pressure because their parents always fight and make they feel sad and angry. So as a parents we must take care their child with good and close monitoring them for prevent disrespectful to teachers.

  26. Disrespectful of students to their teachers
    Lately we had seen their quite of number of students in Klang Velley that have been disrespectful to their teacher. According to the reports of schools in Klang Valley, the number of students who disrespected to their teachers has been evaluated in 2007. The cases that involve are Physical Violence on Teachers, Threats on Teachers safety, Scratching of Teacher Cars, Prank Calls.
    In physical violence on teacher, the highest students do this violence are in school B, G, I there are 16.6% cases in every school. The lowest are in school A which is only 1 case in year 2007.the differentiate between this cases according to school are 4 cases. Treats on teachers’ safety the highest students done are in school A which is 9 cases, second highest in school C which is 17.7% cases. The lowest student that treats teachers’ safety is School I which is 1 case. Scratching teachers’ cars there are quite of number students love to do this violence. The highest are in school E which is 19.6% cases and the lowest are in school C which is 6 cases below school E. Prank calls is the last violence that students like to do it. There are 9 cases in school G which means this school is the highest and the lowest are school A which is 8 cases below school A which means only 1 case in year 2007.
    The highest total of these 4 cases violence against Teacher are Scratching Teachers’ car which is 46 cases in year 2007. The lowest violence is physical violence on teacher which is 30 cases in year 2007. The different this two violence is 16 cases which mean 21.05% cases.
    There are much reason Student misbehavior to their teacher because of lack of attention from their family, lack of parental supervision and peer pressure. That’s mean their teachers give them pressure on study and they become tension and angry.
    Muhammad nizam bin nordin
    (333 words)

  27. QUESTION 3

    The table shows number of case in 2007 , students who have been disrespectful to their teachers in the Klang Valley . Nowadays , we heard many information such as newspaper , news in television , and environment . Most the people talk this issue . Besides that , the students lack of love from their parents . Then , the examples disrespectful to their teachers are physical violence on teachers , threats on teachers safety , scratching of teachers cars , and prank calls . The highest disrespectful is scratching of teachers car is 46 of the students . It is because they do not show their self if do this . That's why they scratching of teachers car . When , the second highest are 40 because the peer pressure . It is cause they brave threats teachers safety for their self . Besides that , the pank call always their use to their self for and do not to show their self . They became this because lack of parental supervision because their parents not enough spend time for their children . Beside that , the students also lack of attention from their parents . The parents must be pay attention and take care their children . As a conclusion , the parents must be care of their children and teach student for not rude and respect the others especially teachers . The students also must be respect each other to others people can respect our self .

    (253 words)


  28. Social Problems Among School Students at Klang Valley in 2007

    The table shows the disrespectful of students to against their teachers. This is not the uncommon cases among school students nowadays.
    For overall social problems in that schools, we can see the famous problem among them is in scratching of teachers car which is about 46 students and the lowest number is 30 students that participate to physical violence on the teachers. Social problems regarding to the school itself, school G got the highest and school D is the lowest.
    Scratching the teacher cars are very popular problem among the students because it is the secret way to show their revenge on the teachers. An example, the teacher has scolding the student because not done the homework or done the harmful thing such as bullying other student.
    In addition, all the problem that happen in the student actually due to lack of attention from their parent who is always busy with the work. Besides that, peer pressure also be the cause of this problem.
    As a conclusion, this attitude must be avoid by strict the school rules.
    (187 words)

  29. The Most Chronic Issues Among Students
    Nowadays, most popular news is written about the students who are misbehaviour at school. There is one of the chronic issues in our country. According to the analysis 2007 in Klang Valley was showed that the number of case regarding of the students who have been disrespectful to their teachers. This fact shows students were not respecting their teachers even though teachers were giving a lot of knowledge to them.
    Form the analysis, students shows there disrespect by express their unsatisfied with scratching of teachers’ cars. It is the biggest issues in this case compare others such as physical violence on teachers, threats on teachers’ safety and prank calls. Total for the scratching of teachers’ is 46, school E was showed 9 numbers of students which is the higher compare the other school. School C have 2 numbers of students and it indicates as the lower school for this problem. For physical violence on teachers the total is 30 numbers of students.
    In spite of all this cases, lack of attention and peer pressure from the friends was making students disrespectful to their teachers. Besides that, in this generation, most of the parents are working that was brought lack of parental supervision among the students. Lastly, all these cases are shows bad reflection to our country in term of gain knowledge.

    WORDS: 227

  30. Cases in school that involved by the students in Klang Valley.

    All of the school in this world has many problems regarding the students’ behavior in the school. They like to do what are the things that in their mind. They like to make other people to follow what are the things that they want to do according their desire. These are the normal phenomena that we are facing today.
    The students nowadays like to do the things that they think right to do following their instinct. We can see from the table that many cases were involved the students against the teachers. We can see the physical violence on teachers is high among in the 3 schools in the Klang Valley. The violence were done by the students that in the category of gangsters that is like to do crime.
    Among of the cases that are recorded students like to scratching the teachers cars are the most higher in the record. It shows that the simple crime to done are the favorites cases that the students like to do because it can done easily.
    185 words
    Nabilah binti Mohd Kalis

  31. Number of case social problem in 2007
    The social problems are most familiar nowadays. The violence of students who have been disrespectful to their teachers in the school becomes serious issues. Basically the students always disturbed the teachers during in school. Mostly happen at student have been bad behaviours.
    The table highlight the number of cases in 2007 of student who has been social problems and followed the nine schools. According the number of case in 2007, the social problems are very highest is the student who has been scratching of teachers cars is about 28% cases compare with another cases in school and the lowest of number of cases of students have been scratching of teachers cars is about 19.4%.
    According in the school, the top one are highest in physical violence on teachers is school B, school G and school I is about 5 cases and the lowest cases is about 1 case only which is school A. This is because the student will influenced from peer or another friends. They also lack of parental supervision furthermore their parent are educated family so their parent not enough time to spending time with their children.
    In conclusions, we will respect the teachers as a mother because they give us more knowledge.
    (213 words)

  32. Misbehaviour among Student in Klang Valley
    Students in the Klang Valley have been disrespectful to their teachers. There are the number of cases in 2007 of school A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H and I. The social problems are physical violence on teachers, threats on teacher’s safety, scratching of teachers’ car and prank call.
    On the number of cases in 2007, the lower case is physical violence of teacher with 30 cases. Base on physical violence on teacher the highest number of school are B, G, and I with the number of 5 cases on each school. The lowest number is 1case on school A. The student has a social problem because of lack of attention to their self. Their parents did not give a full commitment to their children and always busy on their own working.
    The highest number of cases in 2007 is scratching of teacher’ car with total number is 46 cases. The school with higher achieved is school E with 9 cases. The lowest number is 2 cases of school C with percentage is 4.34%. The peer pressure makes students more often to do this type of problems. It’s also because lack of attitude and discipline among the teenager. If the attitude of respect to each people who oldest, the social problems may not be happen.
    As a conclusion, each school may have own responsibility to reduce this cases. Counseling session may help to improve the attitude of the students.

    Words: 246

  33. Disrespectful Students to Their Teachers in Klang Valley, 2007
    The table shows number of cases disrespectful students to their teachers in Klang Valley, 2007. The case are divides into physical violence in teachers, threats on teacher safety, scratching on teachers cars and prank calls.
    Scratching of teachers cars indicates the high amount of student involves which are 46 cases. Then, follow by threats on teacher safety 40 cases, prank calls 39 cases, and physical violence on teachers 30 cases. The students willing to scratch teacher cars because not satisfied and anger towards teachers for scold them. The small total physical violence on teachers it is because students not dare to do the immoral act and afraid of the law rules that may affect their future life.
    The highest cases were in school G. There are 24 cases involve. Most of the students in school G do the prank calls to their own teachers which are 9 cases had reported. Student do the prank calls to threaten them and makes the teachers felt afraid. School E has 19 cases of students and the higher cases are scratching of teachers cars. School D the lowest cases which are 13 cases and it is on the prank calls.
    In conclusion, the students should be guide to being disrespectful to own teachers. Disciplinary action should be taken on the students, so that they know how to respect and remained the manner of attitude.
    (240 words)

  34. Disrespectful to the teacher
    The table show that the number of case of the disrespectful to their teachers in the Klang Valley in year 2007. The article on this issues talk about the social problem.
    The physical violence on teacher’s highest cases shows of school B, G and I in 5 cases in 16.6%. The lowest cases is school A is 1 in 3.3%. The threats on teacher’s safety the total cases are 40. The highest is 9 in 22.5% if school A. The second highest is school C that 7 in 17.5%. The lowest is 1 in 2.5% from school I. The scratching of teachers cars the total show is 46. The school E is highest is 9 in 19.56% and the second highest is 7 in 15.56%. The lowest is school C is 2 in 4.34%.the prank calls total is 39. The highest is school E is 9 in 23.07%. The second highest is school G is 7 in 17.94%. The lowest is school A and F is 1 in 2.56%.
    The cases is because of many of student is lack of attention from their parents. Nowadays, parents are more give to their career than their family.
    Words: 200
    Baizura Ab Manaf

  35. Table shows the number of case of students who have been disrespectful to their teachers in the Klang Valley for 2007.
    The cases categorized as physical violence on teachers, threats on teacher’s safety, scratching of teacher’s car and prank calls. There are seven school who are School A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H and I. Highest cases is scratching on teacher’s cars which reported as 46 cases. It is the simplest thing that easy for student to do it and give big impact to the teachers. The lowest case is physical violence on teachers which contribute only 30 cases. Student afraid to do it as it will give bad impact to the student. School A is the highest cases of threats on teacher’s safety. School B, G and I contribute 5 cases for physical violence on teachers. School E with 9 cases for scratching teacher’s car is the highest. For frank calls with the highest cases of 9 belongs to School G.
    The main reasons for this misbehaviour are lack of attention from teacher, lack of parental supervision and peer pressure. Student should behave with their teacher. This type of cases need strict solution and punishment to student.
    200 WORDS

  36. Each student have social problem. In the Klang Valley have students been disrespectful to their teachers. In year 2007, have four cases with nine school. The most cases is scratching of teachers’ cars, treats on teachers’ safety, prank call and physical violence on teachers. The higher cases is scratching of teachers’ cars as much 46 cases and the lowest cases is physical violence on teachers as much 30 cases.
    In cases scratching of teachers cars have higher cases at school. School E have 9 cases as higher and school C have 2 cases as lowest. In case physical violence on teacher has higher cases at school B, school G and school I. Each school have 5 cases and the lowest cases is school A as much 1 cases. Each student have reason why their do like that. The reason for misbehaviour is lack of attention from teachers or parents, lack of parental supervision and peer pressure.
    The conclusion is teacher must work together with the parents to solve this misbehaviour. Parents must treat their child with tender loving care and strictly at home. Beside that, the teacher must treat their student with strictly but friendly.
    (195 WORDS)

  37. Students Who Have Been Disrespectful To Their Teachers In The Klang Valley.

    Table given shows a number of case in 2007. Case listed are physical violence on teachers, threats on teacher’s safety, scratching of teacher’s cars and prank calls. Scratching of teacher’s cars are the highest with 46 cases followed by threats on teacher’s safety with 40 cases. The lowest cases is physical violence on teachers with 30 cases followed by prank call with 39 cases.

    The is because there are lack of attention and more to peer pressure. Once they behave like this, everybody will know their attitude. On top of that, student will feel that they are too great and other student will respect even afraid towards them.

    Then are lack of parental supervision. There need more attention from their parents. This age will act uncontrolled if not be supervised because there are growing and want freedom.

    Student prefer to scratch their teacher’s cars because they will be more satisfied. Physical violence is the last choice because it take high risk. If wrong step there will be on discipline action and not impossible for them to be suspended.

    As a conclusion, everybody should cooperate to enhance this issue.

    200 WORDS

  38. QUESTION 3
    Of late, there have been reports of students who have been disrespectful on their teachers in the Klang Valley. As a writer for a magazine on social problems, write a short article on this issue. Your article should integrate all the information given below. You should write 150 to 200 words.
    Students show of the disrespectful to their teachers in the Klang Valley on the year 2007. The table given show certain cases including physical violence on teachers, treats on teachers safety, scratching of the teachers cars and prank calls from the student’s. The higher case is the scratching the teachers cars has 30 percent and numbers of case is 46 cases. The second higher is prank calls 39 cases that had been recorded. However only 19 percent from physical violence on teachers is the lowest rate on the year of 2007. Number of the cases has record at the school A is 9 cases which is in the threats on teachers cars. Other than that school E show high in scratching of teachers cars is 9 cases about 20 percent from 46 total cases in this cases. The lowest rate on this case at School A only 1 case (10 percent) from 30 cases. Beside that, School I was show lowest on the threats on teachers safety only 1 case. This because of the lack of attention to students always wanted to being attention from teachers or parents. Nonetheless lack of supervision from parent also can make them become disrespectful the older. Most common effect because of he peer pressure that very big fluency on the other side. This can conclude as environment factor that make them forget about new generation need observation and attention.
    (235 words)
    Nor Fasihah binti Esah

  39. 3)
    Disrespectful of student to their teachers in Klang Valley school

    The table given shows the number of case that happen at Klang Valley school in year 2007. There are 9 number of school that is located at Klang Valley which are school A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H and I. The cases that happen in each school are physical violence on teachers, threats on teachers’ safety, scratching of teachers’ cars and the last cases is prank call. The higher number of cases that show in the table is scratching of teachers’ cars with the total number 46 in year 2007 and the higher is school E contribute 9 cases. While the lowers rate is school C with the number of 2. Lowest number in each cases is physical violence on teacher is 30 cases that have being recorded. The higher rate of school is school B and school C which is 5 cases and the lowers number is 1 which shows in school A. All the cases above happen is because of the student need attention from their teachers sometime they also need to have a counseling session to tell all the problem that occur to them. By the way teachers also have to understand what the student need and not to strict with them that can make the student become more aggressive.

    (225 words)
    4th AUGUST 2010

  40. The table is shows report of students who have disrespectful to their teachers in Klang Valley in 2007. There are consist about nine school with various type of cases. From the table, all student that involved are about one hundred total of cases in 2007. The highest number belong to school B,G, and I with similar number of cases. Physical violence on teacher, for example during detention class student are given task to perform if student is rude, they may be asked to write on essay on respecting the elder. By writing such essay, student concern will have time to sit back and reflect and re-evaluate what need to did. The lowest number is belong to school A which is 1 case only it may due to that students on that school that may be given full of attention either from teacher and also parents.
    Threats on teachers safety also involved in this cases. It’s usually shows when some students would like to do further action such vandalism. The highest number are belong to school A which is 9, followed by school C,7 number school B,6 number and the lowest is school I which is 1 number of cases. Students tends to be more disrecfectful to their teacher may include starching of teachers cars only contribute fourty six number and the highest is belong to school E,9 number. This is shows of the bad habit and most students has defacing.
    Frank calls also contribute in cases. The highest is belong to school G which is 9 and the lowest are school A and F. All this issue are regard to lack of parental supervision from the beginning. Parents should take proactive step to ensure their children do not misbehave in school such inconvenience to both parents and students may have strong deterrent for misbehaving again for some student.

    Siti saleha bte muhi

  41. Question 3
    Of, late there have been reports of students who have been disrespectful to their teacher in the klang valley, As a writer for a magazine on social problems, write a short article on this issue. You article should integrate all the information given below. You should write 150 to 200 words.
    Table shows that the number of case in 2007 that have been disrespectful to their teachers. From the total number of case in 2007shows that on the scratching of teachers car show the higher total of student is 46 student however in the lowers total of student are on physical violence on teachers is 30 student.
    Beside that we can show and know from follow by the class A until class I, for different characteristic of physical violence on teacher the higher show that on the class B,G, and I each class show 5 student. Because of now many student have a discipline problem, so they can do anything without feeling another person. However now we can look on the bully culture on the student.
    Other than that from threats on teacher’s safety can see the higher number of student in the class A is 9 student compare to the class I, only 1student. Majority their student have a problem on their spend time together in a friendly way. And majority they all lack of attention from their parents to teach respect of the teacher’s.
    However on the case of scratching of teachers car the higher on class E is 9 student and the lowers is class C which is 2, because some student disobey about teacher comment or give advice. And the last is on prank calls which is highest on class G is 9 student, they disturb on their teacher from by phone and their feel lack of parental supervision attention from their teacher.
    As conclusion we need to give all the student to follow the rules and regulation at the school, so they can minimize the number of cases and give more motivated or give counselling for the student that have a problem.
    (296 word)
    Siti Noraini Bte Abd Samat

  42. 3. Number of Cases of Students Who Have Been Disrespectful to the Teachers in the Klang Valley in 2007.

    The tables show that number of cases of students who have been disrespectful to their teachers in Klang Valley in 2007. Nine schools have reporting their number of cases. The highest total number of cases of students disrespectful to their teachers is student scratching of teachers cars that is 46 cases. The lowest total number of cases is physical violence on teachers that is 30 cases, followed by frank calls that is 39 cases and threats on teachers’ safety that is 40 cases have been recorded.
    For the nine school that have been recorded their cases of students who have been disrespectful to their teachers, it shows that school of G have been record many cases compared to other school that is 24 total number of cases in that school. Besides that, school of D is the lowest total numbers of cases records that is only 13 cases. School of E is the second highest number of cases records in that school which is 19 cases. Others than that, school of H and I shows same total number of cases in that school which is 18 cases, followed by school of B which is 17 cases. Moreover, school of A and C also have same total number cases that are 16 cases followed by the second lowest total number of cases which school of F with 14 cases.
    Not all of students are being disrespectful to their teacher. The reason of why the students being disrespectful to their teachers are because this group of students is lack of attention. Maybe because of they want to attract others people attention, so they create a problem and disrespectful to their teachers. For an example, maybe the students are bored and want to make attention to their teachers so that they do frank calls. If the students who do not like the teachers or who revenge to that teachers, they would scratching of their teachers cars. This is because they are lack of attention from the teachers or other students.
    Therefore, this students being disrespectful to their teachers because of lack of parental supervision. They are lack of love and caring from their parents so that they create problem and disrespectful to teachers in the school. Besides that, because of lack of attention and supervision by the parents, hey are do physical violence to the teachers such as hit, steal their property until they threats on teacher safety. Others influence factors because of peer pressure that is influence the other student to disrespectful to their teachers. Because of that, there are many cases are recorded.
    As a conclusion, this immoral social behavior must be preventing from early stages. The school must be take serious action to prevent this attitude of students may become worse. Teachers are whose teach give knowledge, many information and us wrong and right to the students. So it is important to respect and appreciate the teachers.

    Noor Tahniah Binti Arpan
    467 Words

  43. Student who has been disrespectful to their teacher in the Klang Valley.

    The statement above show the number of cases in 2007, student who have been disrespectful to their teacher in the Klang Valley. From this statement shows cases that involve the scratching of teacher cars is a very highest in each school at Klang Valley and the lowest is culture of physical violence on teacher during at school. In Klang Valley there got nine school and based on the research in years 2007 shown school G has a highest number of cases which in worse in disciplinary section which include the physical violence on teacher is five, threats on teacher safety is three, scratch of teacher car is seven cases, and prank call is nine cases the total is twenty four cases for G school. Beside that, the lowest is a school D that is thirteen cases.
    The second is a school E where the total cases is nineteen at year 2007, difference with the school G is about five cases. In school G the high problem of discipline these is a with prank call among student to their teacher. School H and I at Klang Valley, which is eighteen. Both schools are got same total of cases but the difference is in only one cases in each disciplinary problem. This problem of misbehavior of occur among the student is may be cause by parental factor where their parent are too busy with their work until their forgotten with their responsible toward their child and this problem cases the child feel unappriciately and assume fell their free and doing anything in their life without limitation and a badness and impact as to make their feel like satisfaction relive her feeling at the school and teacher is a victim of the situation. Furthermore, the fourth is a school B that is a total cases seventy cases. In the school a higher disciplinary problem in a section of threat on teacher safety which six cases. The school A and school C a rate a same total of cases that is sixteen cases at years 2007, while the school F is fourteen cases only.
    In conclusion, parent must to become more responsible, and alertness about care their children as to prevent occur the gangsterlism, among their children. And during at the school teacher must also responsible to giving the student some advises because at school teacher is a second person beside their parent.

    Siti Nur Syafiqah Binti Hassan
    411 Words

  44. The Students Who Have Been Disrespectful To Their Teacher At The Klang Valley School.

    The table is showed the number of disrespectful the teacher case in 2007 in the Klang Valley. It’s not a new social problem because the violence at the school is started for many years ago. The school that listed is School A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H and I and the case which are Physical Violence on Teacher (19%), Threats on Teacher Safety (26%), Scratching of Teachers Car (30%) and Prank Call (25%). From the table, the Scratching Teachers Car is popular of case which is 46 students are involves according the totally number of case. The School E is noted the highest number which is 9 students and 2 students for School C as a lowest number. Meanwhile the lower totally is for the Physical Violent on Teachers is 30 students. The School B and G is achieve the high number as a 5 person on each. The main reason of development the social problem is because of negative attitude such as lack of moral value, discipline problem and show the protest behaviour for their teachers. The behaviour of the student is influence of lack the attention, lack of parental supervision and also peer pressure. The guardian must to do their responsibilities on monitoring their child to be a good person and not become a criminal. But at the school, the teachers especially Discipline Department should to take the seriously of this social problem.

    (225 WORDS )

  45. Question 3: Disrespectful to teachers in Kelang Valley.

    The table show of the students who have been disrespectful to their teacher’s in the Kelang Valley in year 2007. The cases happen to their teachers include physical violence on teacher’s, threats on teacher safety, scratching of teacher cars and prank calls.
    The highest cases of disrespectful to their teachers is scratching of teacher’s cars which is 46 case in year 2007 and the lower case is physical violence on teachers which is 30 cases. For the scratching of teacher’s cars, school E, F and G is contributes the highest case in the Kelang Valley, which is 5 case, and for the lower is school C which is 2 cases.
    All this case occurs with reasons either among the student or they have family problem. Other than that reasons for misbehaviour such as lack of attention, lack of parental supervision and peer pressure. So they have problem and disrespectful to teachers in the school. Family problem such as economic status and their parent can’t afford to buy them many thing s so that they do physical violence to their teacher.
    As a conclusion, parent must be take care of their children, give tome for them and try to give them support and praise them when they do a good job and excellent in their are academic. With this method student will be more discipline and issue about this problem can settle.

    Prepared by: Siti nur hajjar binti Jamuladin
    Matrix number: J08DN0073
    233 Words

  46. QUESTION 3

    The table that given shows the number of case on social problem in 2007 who has been disrespectful to their teachers in the Klang Valley.The highest number on social problem is scratching of the teachers cars which is 46 student.The reason is majority students at the all school are lack of attention from their parents.Other than that,certain students do not like the teacher and because of that they do this scenario with scratching of teachers cars.Beside that ,the highest number of case on social problems is school G which is 24 of the total cases.It means in that area,there are many student have a disicpline problems and lack of parental supervision and influencing from peer pressure.
    Furtermore,the lowest cases on social problems is physical violence on teachers which is only 30 cases.According to the table that given,school A is lowest than other school which is 3.33% It means certain students have a good dicipline and can behave among us.
    In a nutshell,most students a more social in scratching of teachers cars.Actually majority students in all school are misbehavior about their dicipline and influencing from their peer pressure which is always give the pressure when other students is angry with the teachers.

    (203 words)
    Prepared By,
    Norfadhilah Bte Md.Noh

  47. QUESTION 1: Of late, there have been reports of students who have been disrespectful to their teachers in the Klang Valley. As writer for a magazine on social problems , write a short article on this issue. Your article should integrate all the information given below. You should write 150-200 words.

    The article talks about the students that are disrespectful to their teachers at the Klang Valley in 2007. There are 9 school in the ranking for today’s article and the all total case is 155 and are categorize into 4 which consists of physical violence on teacher, threats on teachers safety, scrathing on teachers cars, and prank calls. The highest is scratching the teachers cars contributes the highest which is 46 cases,following by the threats on teachers safety 40 ceses,then prank calls 39 and lastly physical violence on teachers which is 30 cases.Firstly talking about the physical violence. This is very common among the school children nowadays to use violence to their own teachers or by setting up someone to do it. They believe by doing this the teacher will not cross their line and mostly this happens after school time because no one will be cought. Second is threats on teachers safety tells about the unsecure life of the teachers by doing something that triggers the teachers life and make the teacher to become scard for an example when the teachers is walking alone somewhere and there will be a gang with 4-5 people there teasing on and doing some unmoral body language that insults the teacher in public if it is a lady who teaches. Thirdly the case on the prank calls that the teachers receives. They do this to satisfied them self by scolding the teachers by using terrible bad words and humiliate them and insult their family. They do this because they want the teachers to feelthe same feeling that they felt at that time infront their classmates. And the last one is by the highest among all is scratching of teachers cars the most common nowadays its like doing it by using sharp objects such as key, blade and any other objects. The main reason of why this happens is the first is lack of attention from parents if their parents are both working parents and they don’t have time to spend with their children, and so they are lack of their parents supervision there is no one to observe them so they are brave to do such activities,and they are also doing it because of the friends influece and to be popular among friends so that friends respect them and afraid of them and will obey to them.
    To sum up parents need and to supervise their children so that they don’t neglet their studies and be someone in future and they are the important role modal in our life . Children do need parents love eventhough they are big and adult.

    507 words.


    The table shows the numbers of students are disrespectful to their teachers in the Klang Valley in 2007. The social problems are more influence by the school students. In year 2007, the disrespectful to the teachers’ issues are become higher between to the school students. The number of case, highlights the school students mostly use the scratching of teachers cars method as a revenge the teacher. The total number of cases were happen in 2007 is 46. The majority students were involved in this case is from school E, there are 9 cases. The second higher case is threats on teacher’s safety. The total numbers of case happen from nine schools are 30 cases. Some of the schools are shows the same number of case was happen. The other social problems were do by the students are physical violence on teachers and do the prank calls to the teachers. The reasons for students misbehaviour to the teacher because there are lack of attention from the family . Other than, the parents are didn’t supervise their children attitude . Its make the students more comfort involve in social problems and to do evil things. The peer pressure is also one of the reason the students are violence things. As a conclusion , the parents must observe their children behaviour and got any changes . The teachers also don’t give over stress to the students and if got any attitude problems give counselling to them.

    243 WORDS

  49. Misbehaviour of student at school in the Klang valley in 2007.
    Table show, the number of case report of disrespectful of student to their teacher in Klang valley school, violence of the rules and regulation among school student show the disrespectful to teacher compare to previous time.
    There is number of case consisting of physical violence on teacher, threat on teacher’s safety, scratching of teacher car and prank calls. There is 155 cases report in the year 2007 regarding of disrespectful student. Student prone to do that because of feeling of dissatisfied to the teacher.
    Scratching of the teacher car shoe the highest case reported show 46 case, where threat on teacher’s safety show less 6 cases. The lowest case is physical violence on teacher which is show 30 cases where school A show only 1 cases report. The second lowest show the prank cell total case report 39 cases, the reason for misbehaviour of student is because of lack of attention given by parents and family also lack of parental supervision, student also need guidance from parents ant the last reason is because of peer pressure.

    Shakilla Rahman
    188 words

  50. 4th august 2010 (Wednesday)
    Of late, there have been reports of students who have been disrespectful to their teachers in the Klang Valley. As a writer for magazine on social problems, write a short article on this issue. Your article should integrate all the information given below.
    The table has shown that total number of disrespectful cases done by the students to their teachers in the Klang valley. Nowadays lot of people are misbehaviour. The students are also participating done this type of issue in their school. Many of school are involved of that disrespectful cases, there are A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, and I. Many of disrespectful students are prefer to do physical violence on teachers, threats on teacher safety and scratching of teacher’s car. From the result, many of the students like to scratch the teacher’s car with 29.6% rather than the lowest which is like to do physical violence on their teachers with total 19.5%. While if seen following type of school, E school is got the highest total of disrespectful their teachers with 24 students and the lowest is D school with 13 students. E school may be got a lot of student between the others school and. Most of them do this method of behaviour are lack of attention and parental supervision and also got peer pressure. As a conclusion, this type of cases will increase every year if the student behaviour is not changes. While the parent must take a place to ensure the student behaviour is under control. So, from that, the total of number of the cases can decrease.
    270 WORDS

  51. Student misbehavior is one of the most troubling phenomena in education today. Report shows there are four major misbehavior cases in nine schools, which are school A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, and school I in the year 2007, including physical violence on teachers, threats on teacher safety, scratching of teachers cars, and prank call. Discipline problems, morality issues and ‘gangsters’ cases are increase and it is proven the students had shows disrespectful to their teachers in the Klang Valley. The top misbehavior problem that often occurs in the school is the scratching of teachers cars with 46 cases recorded. School E contributed the highest with 9 cases. While the lowest case recorded is the prank call case with the total number of 30 cases. School A only contributed 1 case.
    The most common reasons for disrespectful to the teacher is the students are lack of parental supervision because the parent is more concentrate to their work. Others cause is peers pressure; the student is force by the friends to do something, and lack of attention. To deal with this, teachers should just pay attention to the student's good behaviour and ignore them when they are misbehaving. Might be this can be done by keeping students busy and interested, as well as avoiding frustration due to too hard of lessons.
    Prepared by: Catherine Milkha
    222 words

  52. Number of case in 2007

    Table that indicates shows the number of case in 2007 of student who have been disrespectful to their teachers in Klang Valley. The higher case is scratching teacher’s cars 46 cases and followed by threats teacher’s safety 40 cases. The lowest case is physical violence on teachers that is 30 cases.
    The different between the higher and lowest is 16 case. There is some reason of misbehaviour, such as lack of attention. Some of them want more attention from the teachers or the other person. It may be make that feel they are brave.
    Lack of parent’s supervision also may contribute to increase these cases. Parents may be too busy working and not close monitoring their children. The students feels free and think they can do whatever they want.
    Friends are influence them, peer pressure are one of the reason. Peer pressure are encourage them do such things because they want to show they can do it too.
    To sum up ,total number of case is 155 cases, it may be decrease if all groups take their part. Teachers gave attention and discipline the student. Parents need to supervise their child and friends need to be positive friends.
    Prepared by:
    (204 words)

  53. QUESTION 3:
    AL (Pg 81)


    Recent reports indicated that a large majority of student nowadays involve in disrespectful to their teachers was contribute nine of school around the Klang Valley.

    The table have showed the number of case in disrespectful to their teachers in different of school. Out of the total four cases misbehaviour, scratching of teacher’s car is the highest number of cases, which are 46 while 40 cases on threats on teacher safety.
    Physical violence on teacher stated as lowest number, which is only 30 cases.

    In physical violence on teacher, a three school have same number of cases, which is B, G and I, is five while the lowest number of cases is in school A, only one cases.
    Prank calls stated that school of G is the highest number of cases, which is nine while one cases belongs to F and A.
    The famous case belongs to school of E, which are nine cases. Two cases belong to C’s school, which is the lowest number of cases among nine of school.

    Misbehaviour always happens in among of school due to lack of attitude. Attitude refers as discipline in academic and social. Training at home, and have an open knowledge will prevent student from involved and non-influencing by friends.
    Unfortunately, among both of parents are working in same time due to economy changes or family economy. As a result, student will lose of parents’ attention. This is a factor that some of student actually need an attention because of they want to be appreciate and to be love by their parents.
    In education, student will feel of peer pressure due to a lot of homework by their teachers.

    We can conclude that lack of knowledge on effect of breaking a rules is the one of reason this misbehaviour. As a result, teachers be a goal for them to relieve their pressure and feeling of satisfied. That is most of disrespectful of attitude for a student to pay them.

    338 words
    By: Nadia Ahmad Tajudin.
    J 08 DN 0024

  54. Essay no.3
    The table was shown the number of case of report student who have been disrespectful to their teacher at Klang Valley in 2007. The table is dividing into four categories. Which are the highest cases is scratching at teacher cars with 46 cases. It is only 6 difference with threaten on teacher safety. While the lowest cases is physical violence on teacher with difference only 10 cases than threaten teacher safety. Hence, the second lowest is prank telephone with 39 cases.

    This phenomenon happens because of peer pressure influencing them and tends to scratching at teacher cars because nobody will recognize who did it. In contrast, physical violence on teacher is 30, it just difference 16 cases but is still higher level. Then this was shows maybe the student lack of attention from their teacher and want to catch the attention of their teacher.

    At that time, the highest schools contributing in physical violence on teacher are school B, G and I which is 16.7%. Meanwhile, the lowest cases school by threaten on their teacher safety contributing are schools E and C with difference with 3 cases between physical violence on teacher case.

    While, the highest school contributing in threaten on their teacher safety is school A with 22.5%. Accordingly by school C with are only 5% differences. Followed by the lowest school contributing is school I with only 1 case.

    Later, the highest school contributing in scratching of teacher cars is school E with 9 cases following with school G with 7 cases. Meanwhile, the lowest is only have 2 cases which is school C. Whereas, the highest contributing in do frank calling is school G with 23%. While the lowest contributing are school A and F with contribute only 1 case.

    Generally, the reason of this incident happens is because the lack of supervision from their parents, lack of attention from their teachers and subsequent with peer pressure that want to catch the attention for them.

    (330 words)
    Prepared by :Yusniazian bt Md Yusuf.
    J08 DN 0085

  55. Question 3
    Violence among the students

    Children who aren't treated with respect have no model for respectful behavior. The days of teachers getting an apple have been replaced with verbal abuse, threats of physical violence, vandalism of personal belongings and persistent classroom disruption. There is an increase of students who demonstrate disrespectful behavior to teachers, youth workers and other school staff in schools worldwide. Student never realize that everything that they gain, never be asked for a reward. The thing that really needs to be highlighted in the table given is about student’s behavior nowadays. At the Klang Valley area on year 2007, there are three schools are getting involve in high rate regarding physical violence on teachers, which are school B, G and I with 5 cases each school. Based on the things that have been done, scratching of teachers’ car is on the top which hold 46 cases. School E holds the highest in ranking regarding this violence. The case regards of threats on teachers’ safety hold the number of 40 cases and school A is on the top to be compared from others schools. School I be the lowest in rate regarding this case, which is only 1 case reported. Other issue that comes out is about prank call that make the school G and I high in rate, 9 and 7. School F holds only 1 record in the same case. Physical violence on teachers be the lowest in rate to be compared from others violence. Therefore, as part of classroom management plan, there must be an allowance made for situations in which stiffer consequences are needed immediately. Disrespectful behavior and emotional outbursts are examples of behavior that would warrant an immediate time out separation from the rest of the class and, more than likely, a letter home to parents. Parents are the best tutor to produce a high quality of their children attitude. Good tutor will reflect a good behavior of students

    321 words
    Norhazwani Saad

  56. Week 1- Question 3 – 4th August 2010 (Wednesday)
    The table indicates number of case in 2007 where students have been disrespectful to their teachers in the Klang Valley. There were nine schools reported as having problems in physical violence on teachers, threats on teachers’ safety, scratching of teachers’ car and prank call. The total of 155 cases has been reported where 46 cases of it were scratching of teachers cars. This was the easiest way for students to show their anger and unsatisfactory towards their teachers without being notice by other person. In comparison, the cases of physical violence on teachers were 16 cases less than scratching of teachers’ cars with only reported as 30 cases. This is because they were afraid to expose themselves while making such violence in front of the public. Other than that, there were 40 and 39 cases reported as threats on teachers’ safety and. The reasons for misbehaviour would be due to lack of attention from the teachers. It also can be due to lack of parental supervision at home. Besides that, students were having peer pressure in school and influenced by their friends to do the violence. To sum up, full supervision must be given to students to control the violence among teachers.
    NUR AFIQAH BINTI IBRAHIM – J08DN0039 – 200words

  57. Misbehaviour of students in Klang Valley
    The table given shows the number of case the students who have been disrespectful to their teachers in according to the school in Klang Valley. There are four cases detected which are physical violence on teachers, threats on teachers’ safety, scratching of teachers’ cars and prank calls. According to the table, scratching of teachers’ car are the highest cases with total of 46 cases and school E is the highest cases among other school which is 9 cases followed by school G is 7 cases. The second highest is threats on teachers’ safety in school which is 40 cases and school A is the highest cases which is 9 cases followed by school C is 7 cases. The lowest cases are physical violence on teachers. The reasons for these misbehaviour cases occur are lack of attention from their parent, maybe their parents are too busy with their work due to lack of love to their children. Other than that, they are lack of parental supervision and feel free to do anything that they want to do. Peer pressure is also the cause of student feel stress and prone to do the immoral activities to their teachers. In conclusion, parents the closest person who will guide the children to be more respectful to their teachers. Perhaps, the children need an attention and in the other way, they needs some moral support from their parents.
    (233 words)
    Prepared by : Nurul Liyana binti Salleh
    Matrix No : J08DN0056

  58. Number of students that have been disrespectful to their teacher in the Klang Valley
    The table show the number of case in 2007 that the students who have been disrespectful to their teacher in the Klang Valley. From this result we can estimate that 155 students in Klang Valley have been disrespectful to their teacher. It was very quite number and from this table that have 4 cases that the students may do such as physical violence, threats on teachers, scratching of teachers cars and prank calls.
    The highest number that the students like to do to show their unsatisfied to their teacher is scratching of teachers car that the total is 46 students from 155.from my observation. Some students that have experienced scratching teacher’s car because they want to show their anger to their teachers worried they identity will the school’s knows they will scratch the car during nobody at school after school period or school session. They will skip the class and do their activity.
    To sum up, nowadays student need some strict punishment to make them remember and realise that moral values is very important to treat the students. A good student comes from good educator. School need more observation to their students.
    211 WORDS

  59. Of late, there have been reports of students who have been disrespectful to their teachers in the Klang Valley. As a writer for a magazine on social problems, write a short article on this issue. Your article should intergrate all the information given below. You should write 150 to 200 words.

    The table indicates the number of cases of students who have been disrespectful to their teachers in the Klang Valley. The cases that committed by the students are divided into 4 types which is physical violence on teachers, threats on teachers’ safety, scratching of teachers’ car, and prank calls. All these cases are collected from nine different schools which is school A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, and I. Among all the cases, the scratching of teachers’ cars case has the highest total with 46 cases. Most of this case was committed by students of school E with 9 cases. The second highest total of case was the threats on teachers’ safety with a total of 40 cases. School A has the highest number of this case with 9 cases. Distinguished by 1 case lower from the second highest case is the prank calls case. The highest number of this case was recorded in school G with 9 cases as well. Physical violence on teachers has the least number of cases among all the type of social problem cases of students in Klang Valley. There were only 30 total cases reported for this type of case. Several factors that could be the reason for this misbehavior among the students was lack of attention to their studies, lack of parental supervision, and peer pressure.
    (226 words)
    Raymond A. Majanil

  60. QUESTION: Of late, there have been reports of students who have been disrespectful to their teachers in the Klang Valley. As a writer for a magazine on social problem, write a short article on this issue. Your article should integrate all the information given.
    The information given shows the number of case in year 2007 on social problem. This is the cases of physical violence on teacher, threats on teachers’ safety, scratching of teacher cars, and prank calls. This all cases come from school social problem.
    From the four cases on this social problem, the most famous of case is scratching of teacher cars show the 46 cases. The lowest case is physical violence on teacher. A new social problem that is starting to become second serious in Klang Valley is threats on teacher safety show 40 cases. Although no plot or characters were named in the instructions the content of the paper was quite disturbing.
    For cases scratching teacher car the school E show higher case is nine cases. The lowest is school C shows two cases. In threat on teacher safety the school C shows the higher cases is seven cases and the lowest is school I show one cases. The prank calls the school G shows higher cases around nine cases and the lowest is school A and F show the one case of both. And then, the physical violence on teacher the school B, G, I, show the same result is five case and the lowest is school A show only one cases.
    Now, more cases on social problem in student attitude. This is because of lack attention from parents. And then lack of parental supervision and peer pressure to the student. Student feels stress and follows the wrong attitude.
    Prepared by:

  61. This comment has been removed by the author.

  62. The table portrays the number of the case and student misbehaviour according to the school in 2007. There have been reports of students who have been disrespectful to their teachers in the Klang Valley. The modest case is scratching of teacher’s cars about 46 cases and the second highest is the case that students threats on teachers safety, 40 cases. This subsequently followed by 39 cases that teachers got the prank call. The least number of cases is student that involved in physical violent on teachers with 30 cases. The number is 16 cases lesser than the highest case.
    9 cases from School E stated the highest numbers in scratching of teacher’s cars. The lowest is 2 cases that involved by student from School C. this shows difference about 7 cases. Many reasons that affect the student misbehaviour in the school. They usually have been disrespectful to their teachers because of lack attention and guidance. They want to attract their teacher’s attention with bad attitudes. So, they tend to create the discipline problems. Then, teachers take an action and give them punishment. They felt angry with their teachers and that’s why they done this violences.
    The lowest number of cases is physical violent on teachers. School B, G and I are showed the highest involvement of their student in this case with 5 cases. The lowest is School A, 1 case. Students tend to create this problem because they lack of parental supervision and needs a guidance from family. Parents usually busy with their jobs and did not spend their time to share about child’s problems. Other than that, this is because of peer pressure. Peers are the one factor that influences either to be a good or bad student. To sum up, teachers are important person in our life. So, we have to respect them as we respect our family.
    Nursyafiqah bt Kamaruzaman

  63. 4th August 2010
    Direspectul students to their teachers in the Klang Valley in 2007

    The table show that the number of case that students direspectful to their teachers in the Klang Valley in 2007. There have been reports of students who have been 4 types misattitudes in the 9 types of schools.
    The highest number of students according to the scrathing of teachers cars that total about 46 students had done it. The most highest students in the school E. While the physical violence on the teachers are the lowest numbers of students, its include on the school B and G. Eventhough the second highest that students misattitude cases is threates on teachers safety.
    Now, students more braved to threated their teachers because they lack parental supervision, either comes from parents or guardian because at home parents busy thier works .Sometimes parents dont have times to onserved thier children attitudes. At the modern life, many method for communicated was misuse especially teenagers or students.Easier to get the simpack with the cheapest price, so they trying to pranck calls their teachers for threaten and scarred their teachers by mobile. On this cases, school G was recorded the highest number of students that totally 9 students. Additionaly, maybe their misbehaviour because get some peer pressure that comes from house and scholl.So that, thier try to challanging their itsef.
    So that, each school management should take precaution by followed rules and regulations.If students still misbehaviour the managemant need to police report to handle this situation if their will become worsed.Discipline is important to get the best attitudent. Punishment is the best ways for guide theirself for get the good future, good in life and families.

    J 08 DN 0051

  64. Misbehaviour cases of disrespectful to teacher in Klang Valley in 2007

    Behaviour in doing disrespectful to the teachers is increasing. These cases were reported after evaluated nine varies school (A to I) in Klang Valley in 2007. The misbehaviour that been reported involves four items which are physical violence on teachers, threats on teachers safety, scratching of teacher’s car, and prank calls. From the evaluation, the highest number in the physical violence is school B, G and I. The amount is 5 out of 30. The lowest is the school A with only 1 case reported. The second cases that reported is threats on the safety with school A recorded 9 cases out of 40 compared to the lowest recorded in school I with 1 case. The other misbehaviour is scratching teacher’s car which school E is the top leading with 9 cases. The lowest is from school C with 2 cases. The last misbehaviour reported is prank calls with 9 cases in school G meanwhile school A and F only have 1 case each. Over 155 cases that been recorded, physical violence is about 19.3% (30 cases), then threats on safety is 25.8% (40 cases), scratching cars about 29.7% (46 cases) and prank calls is 25.2% (39 cases). The highest disrespectful to the teacher is scratching the teacher’s car. The reasons of the misbehaviour may be cause by the unsatisfied towards the teachers. Besides that, lack of attention given by teacher and parental supervision is also one of the causes of this misbehaviour. The significant reason is from peer pressure. As the summary, every institution needs to play their roles in order to overcome the action of misbehaviour among the students.

    270 WORDS

  65. Number Problem At School of Case In 2007

    In the table above shown the number of students who have been disrespectful to their teacher in the Klang Valley. Majority of school have the same problem. In every year this attitude was increasing.
    There are many reasons for teens to misbehavior at school, including a lack of attention, lack of parental supervision , problems at home or with peers, poor work habits or study skills, and emotional problems, learning disabilities. There have nine school which a lot problem. The higher number is school G with 24 cases and the lowest is school D with 13 cases. The highest cases in 2007 is scratching of teacher with 46 cases, follow by threats on teachers safety with 40 cases, physical violence on teachers 30 cases and the lowest is prank call with 39 cases.
    It is sometimes difficult to figure out if a child's problems at school are caused by their other medical problems, such as depression, or if these other problems began because of their poor school performance. Children who do poorly at school may be under a lot of stress, and will develop different ways to cope with this stress. Some may externalize their feelings, which can lead to acting out and behavior problems or becoming the class clown. Other children will internalize their feelings, and will develop almost daily complaints of headaches or stomachaches. A thorough evaluation by an experienced professional is usually needed to correctly diagnose children with complex problems.

    Done By,
    Nur Farah Hanis Bt Mohd Fadzir

  66. The table shows that total of students who have been disrespectful to their teachers in the klang valley it around in kuala lumpur in 2007, and it shows that student that violence to their own teacher with non disrespectful. Now students are not afraid do something that against the violence to others. All their now is take the revenge to the teachers who take a discipline to the students who make an issue that involve that against the rules of the schools.
    It usually in the schools the student are do this problems are the same students that involve in disciplinary issues in schools their keep on and on do it because their always being punished for their issues, especially in school the discipline teachers are the most wanted that students wanted to take an advantages to revenges for their action to punished them all. Not least also others teacher also have the same problems like others. The numbers of cases show the highest cases is scratching teachers car 46 cases, follow by threats on teachers safety 40 cases, then do the prank call to the teacher about 39 cases, and last but not least physical violence on teachers 30 cases.
    The violence that their all do to the teachers are sometimes that their all don’t want to do but others factors that makes them also involve especially interact by others friends. Then make an disciplinary issues but there are usually done this is to shows that their all may usually interact with others students that always do an same problems, it may because the peers that always give bad ideas and also gives and pressure to get involves also, it just to create an issues because their fell enjoy and satisfied with their. Their usually lack of parental supervision the parents are too busy with the job and do not take an action to own children by right there don’t have someone to advise then do it over again and their don’t care anymore and try to do the mistakes because their lack of attention
    The conclusion is parents must take an action about development of their children and take and serious action and advise if their make some mistakes, it also can make the numbers of disrespectful to the teachers lesser by advise from the parents oneself rather than other.
    Prepared by

    Norfaradila abdul mansor

  67. 4th August, 2010
    Number of Disrespectful Students Case in 2007 in the Klang Valley.
    The table has been shown about number of disrespectful student cases at school in the Klang Valley in 2007. Almost the school facing the same problem, there is physical violence on teachers, threats on teachers’ safety, scratch of teachers’ cars and prank call. It is shown in the school A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H and I.
    The highest cases among the cases are scratching of teachers’ cars and the result shown 46 cases. The second higher cases are threats on teachers’ safety and the result is 40 cases. Followed by the prank call the result is 39 cases. Lastly, physical violence on teachers’ that shown 39 cases. It is quite number of student done the disrespectful manner toward their teacher.
    Too many causes have been found why the student done the disrespectful manners. First, they lack of attention. Especially from their own parents because of busy with works. They do not have enough time to monitor and knows their children done. Other than that, their friends and peer pressure to done the disrespectful manner. Our government has been take action about this problem. So, it is depends on student can change their attitude and it parents responsibility to give moral support to their student.

    222 words

  68. The table shows the number of case of students who have been disrespectful to their teachers in the Klang on year 2007.There are many type of action that named of disrespectful o their teachers, such as physical violence on teachers, treats on teachers’ safety, scratching of teachers’ cars and prank calls. School B, G, and I get the highest number in case of physical violence on teachers, that is 5 cases each of school. In case of treats on teachers’ safety, school A get the highest number that is 9 cases. School E get 9 cases of scratching of teacher’s cars, that is the highest number in year 2007.School G get the highest number in case prank calls, that is 9 cases.

    There are many reasons that influenced this students involved in discipline problem at school. One of the reasons is when the students have been scolded by the teachers because did not submit the homework that given on the time. These students will feel unsatisfied and angry. Because of that, they cannot think rationally and will do something to show their protest.

    Another reason is they having personal problem in family relationship. Nowadays parents are busy with their career and not give fully attention and do not taking care of their children. They think money is everything in this life. The children are actually lack of love and feel lonely. They cannot get what their need like another parents give to their children. Parents usually fight in front of their children; this will make their children stress and tension because of that situation.
    As conclusion, there are many reason of student misbehavior to their teacher in Klang Valley. We as part of the community need to take our part to solve this problem. To reduce all this misbehavior, the school should take precautions. They must have a straight discipline and take punishment to them to make them realized and make changes.

    322 WORDS

  69. Table given show the number of case which is students who have been disrespectful to their teachers in the Klang Valley in 2007.
    The highest cases that students done is scratching teacher’s car. The lowest cases are physical violence on teachers. The reason why the students do scratching because it one of the easy way to take revenge to the teachers. Besides, there are no one knows who has done the criminal. The physical violence has the lowest cases because the student’s identity will be exposing and they will get the punishment because of the criminal.
    The reason why the students act like that because they lack of attention whether at school or at home. They also lack of parental supervision. It may cause by the parents are busy doing their work and don’t have any time to spent with their children. It also may cause by the peer pressure that the students have to face.
    In conclusion, parents should take responsibility to spent time with their children and to ensure that the children not lack of love and supervision.

    180 words
    nurul nabilah bt masot

  70. The table shows the number of case of students who have been disrespectful to their teachers in the Klang Valley for 2007.The cases categorized as physical violence on teachers, threats on teacher’s safety, scratching of teacher’s car and prank calls. There are seven schools who are School A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H and I.
    The highest cases of disrespectful to their teachers is scratching of teacher’s cars which is 46 case in year 2007 and the lower case is physical violence on teachers which is 30 cases. For the scratching of teacher’s cars, school E, F and G is contributes the highest case in the Kelang Valley, which is 5 case, and for the lower is school C which is 2 cases.
    The lowest cases on social problems are physical violence on teachers which is only 30 cases. According to the table that given, school A is lowest than other school which is 3.33% It means certain students have a good discipline and can behave among us.
    Conclusions is parent must be take care of their children, give tome for them and try to give them support and praise them when they do a good job and excellent in their are academic.
    205 WORDS

  71. Disrespectful student to their teacher in Klang Valley
    Table above shows of the number of students who have been disrespectful to their teacher in Klang Valley.Nowadays, too many social problems a presence.This condition become more popular followed the century.
    Based on the table shown,have 9 school involve with different cases.The most top of cases in school are scratching of teachers cars and the highest happened in school E.Students like used this method to revenge because teachers cannot easily detect who’s have done that.The other cases are physical violence,treats on teachers safety and pranks calls that the cases shown.
    This agenda happened may be of the lack attention from the family members.That’s why teachers cannot to control the students with the bad behavior.This time,increasing too teenagers,they need a lot of love.They also have lack of parental supervision cause of the parents busy with their works.Sometimes peer pressure also may be affected.That’s why we must choose the best friends with have shows the good habits to other friends.
    The conclusion,there are many reason affected to student behavior.The part of community must take action to solve this problem before it become more worst and will take as example to the other students.

    Nur Syameera Binti Mohamad Nor
    (198 words)

  72. The table shows the reports of student who have been disrespectful to the teachers in the Klang valley. The highest number of case in year 2007 is school B, G and I which done the physical violence on teachers is 5. The lowest rate in this case is in school A which is only 1 had done it. The reasons that they are doing this because lack of attention from the teachers and friend. It might be due to pressure of many homework that been given to their teachers. The next case was the threats on teachers safety, the school that give the high number of student was school A, which is 9students followed by school C which is 5 students commit these case. The other case was scratching on teacher’s cars which are school E was 9students and school G was 7students. Other disrespectful case that they are doing was prank call. They threat their teachers by doing on the prank call so that they feel the satisfaction by doing these non-moral activities. The reasons of their misbehaviors are because of lack of attention from the teachers. The teachers might give an attention to the excellent student. They might feels like ignored by their teachers. Other than that it must be from lack of parenteral supervision. Their parents might be busy working so; they are lack of attention from their parents. Besides, as a conclusion, we need to care our children’s or students to be good, so that they will be a good generation.


  73. Student disrespectful to their teacher in the
    Klang Valley
    Nowadays, many students did not respect to their teacher at the school. In Klang Valley, many cases that the student was did. They were disrespectful to their teacher. Many cases that the students did are physical violence on teacher, threats on teacher safety, scratching of teacher’s cars and prank calls. The case of highest cases that the students did is scratching of teacher cars is 46 cases on year 2007. They did that case because some of them unsatisfied to their teacher. For the example, if they do mistake they will be punish. Then, they feel angry and hate that teacher due to they do scratching of teacher cars. Many students did all that cases because they lack of attention from their parents and teacher. Their feel they are neglected children by their parents. They also lack of parental supervision because their parents always busy with their career. Their parent think when their children was growth up, they can impendence and can do anything want they want do. The students more influence from their friend and give pressure to them. As a conclusion, teacher and parents need search the alternative to management this worse situation among the youngest nowadays.

    208 words

  74. The table show amount the student have been disrespectful to their teachers. This problem like virus can spread to the other student easily without disturb from other people. In that case not only teacher but parents is also need to take this responsibility to give attention to the students. Perhaps the students was have the problem has connection with their backgrounds and life. Less of attention students make them take the chances to do any thing them want. Encourage from friends make the student become strength with their groups. The teenager difficult to control then the children. Them may angry if the suggestion can not them get.

    Total of number of highest case in 2007 has 46 percent is scratching of teacher cars. From school A, B,C,D,E,F,G,H and I the high of number on social problem was school E with 9 percent of student do the problem. The lower total on this case from school C is 2 percent. The resource on social problem is peer pressure from parent and the surrounding. Affect of that the attitude of student become low and many misbehaviour occurs. School B,G and I get the highest number in case of physical violence on teacher that is 5 cases. For case threats on teachers safety school A get the higest number that is 9 cases. School E get the highest number with 9 cases in case scratching of teacher cars. In case of prank calls school G get the highest number that is 9 cases.

    The reason for misbehaviour of the student in school is lack of attention from their parents. Nowadays parents are busy with their work. They don’t have enough time to spend with their children. The children feel lonely and lack of love. Because of that, they will do something to shown their anger. Parents do not give fully attention and take care of their children.

    Another reason is that cause this student involve in discipline problem is when they have been scolded by they teacher because do not finish they homework. The student will feel unsatisfied and will do the action such as scratching on the teacher cars.

    As a conclusion the discipline teacher must do punishment to the student that having discipline problem. The aim is to make this student realized because of the mistake and changes their attitude. Parents must supervision of their children other at home or school.

    (351 WORD)

  75. Question 3

    Disciplines problem among students

    This lately, number of students that been disrespectful to their teachers had been raised to a number that I encounter as danger. They tend to do anything that they think can release all of their anger. Physical violence, threats on teacher’s safety, scratching on teacher’s cars and prank calls. All of this will led to many others social problem that can ruin our country name.
    Schools G are the highest school that has the number of misbehavior students. 9 of the students try to frighten their teachers by making prank calls. Total number of students that having this kind of problem is afraid can be raised in future. Misbehavior is one of the manners that should be avoided by the students nowadays.
    Lack of parental guide is the most reasonable why all of this misbehavior is raised. Their parents are too busy with their work till they had no specific time to look after their child. This kind of attitude will reflects back to their parents.
    Moreover, the students need more attention in class. If their teachers did not realized their ability it will affect students emotional. It may lead to stress yet misbehavior attitude. Students will need time to recover from this phase after their emotional distress.
    As a conclusion, it’s not only individual need to work up to prevent this misbehavior. All society must get involved together all along to ensure this disrespectful in decreased among students.

    prepared by: Nurul Asyikin bt Ariffin
    matrix no: J08DN0055

  76. A table show a number of case in2007 who have been disrespectful to their teacher in the Klang Valley.There have 4 exampel a student attitude they done at their teacher.It is a physical violence on teacher,theats on teacher safety,scratching of teacher cars and give a prank call.
    From there we can see the higher is a student like to scratching of teacher care it have total number of case are 46.It be may be because , a teacher and parent give a lack of attention to a student like to threat on teacher safety for an example a student disturb a teacher until home and send a people to disturb them. Its because a parent give lack of supervision regarding student activities, their friend and student diciplin.
    The lower number between this four case is physical violence on teacher, it have total 30 of case in 2007. It be a lower because if a student like do this, a teacher can direct do a police report so that can guve bad impact to a student. It happen because a student unable to control their pressure and art follow the emotional.
    A conelusion is astudent and teacher must have good relationship like a mother and daughter so that, a student get a sufficient knowledge and teacher can do a work easy. Both a parent and teacher must always be supervise to their children and observe a student activities.

    fadhilla binti shapiei
    237 word
